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Представляю вам официальную версию карты с ботами от VENGEANCE
В архиве есть две версии русская и английская!
Несколько слов от автора: Greetings! Welcome to the latest official AI DotA custom map.
VENGEANCE ... REVENGE, COMEBACK. Those are the feelings which a poor, pwned AI soul feels while his spirit fades out, slowly in the breezing air. Now the time has come, to stand for all they believe in. The new dynamic exp/gold mode is ON. The pwned AI players will get exp and gold bonuses which will bring back their might and get them a second chance to finish the game with honor. Here, I devote this release to the name: VENGEANCE... feel the wrath of the poor scripted souls.
Enjoy DotA v6.71b AI, codenamed VENGEANCE!
Please, use the main links to download. Use MIRRORS if only the main links doesn`t work for you. I`m trying to make a PER COUNTRY statistics for the downloads, so we can see where DotA AI is played the most. The statistics will be shown only if you download from the main links. The others don`t have that info. Next release, i`ll post the information about the countries with the most downloads of DotA AI.
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